iCarly Wiki

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iCarly Wiki
iCarly Wiki

Chrissy&Joey52 Chrissy&Joey52 29 September 2010

This is EXCITING !!!!!!

If we're correct mostly everyone if not everyone is talking about how iParty With Victorious is the season 4 finale, which we highly doubt but whatever...... We find that since Dan hasn't been talking about finales or anything that this will be his first show to get past a 4th season :D yaaay we know that iCarly season 4 is gonna be the most popular finale season of any of his shows if he plans to end it, which we hope we won't iCarly is one of are favs man. So, we're probally over thinking soo bye we gotta go to soccer practice !!!!!

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Chrissy&Joey52 Chrissy&Joey52 27 July 2010

Has Anyone Every Noticed This

Okay you guys have you ever noticed before that Dan's new shows shows make refernces to other shows he has created in the past.

iCarly's main school Rideway reminds us of a mini PCA. Like in Drake & Josh they used to mention hobos alot like iCarly and in the show Victorious Cat usually asks "what is that supposed to mean" like a character in an Amanda Show sketch called Moody's Point. Some ships can be refered to other ships on different shows like iCarly's Creddie is the same as Zoey and Chase from Zoey 101 and Seddie is the same as Logan and Quin from Zoey 101 and Josh and Mindy from Drake & Josh. Let us ask you a question about Zoey 101 sorry even though this is the iCarly wiki we think that it NEEDS to be ansewered for our sake. We thi…

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Chrissy&Joey52 Chrissy&Joey52 26 July 2010

You Might Think This Is A Little Werid

If any of you guys have looked at me and Chrissy's Page lately You might find that we have friend's named from 4 different T.V. Shows That Dan has created those shows our iCarly,Zoey101,Victorious,The Amanda Show,and Drake & Josh P.S.- this is our list of our fave list of Dan's shows iCarly is our fave and Drake and Josh was okay but we think it could have more character devoplement at the end of the show though *WE ARE NOT AMUSING TO OFFENED ANYONE BY HOW WE LISTED THE SHOW SORRY IF WE DID WE DIDN'T MEAN TO OR TRIED TO BECAUSE WE HATE IT WHEN PPL ARE UNHAPPY BUT WE ARE AWARE THAT WE CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE THIS BLOG POST WAS FOR FUN NOT TO HURT*

So here's the run down


Cat Jade Tori


Sam Wendy Carly Freddie

Zoey 101

Zoey Chase Nico…

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Chrissy&Joey52 Chrissy&Joey52 26 July 2010

Hi, We're New

Hey peoples we're new but are very fimilar with this wiki Joey and I go on here when ever we're bored so we basically go on everyday

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