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To those of you that may think Dan is focused more on Victorious than iCarly to that I have to say I think he is equally focused on making them what they are. Two of the best live-action shows on Nickelodeon, ever since the 90's and early 2000's. And to get you guys excited instead of complaining about the wait for a new episode. This makes me think of the expression, "All good things come to those who wait." Sorry, if that comes off as a little harsh, but I have the flu, and a newborn baby, which of whom I can't go near right now or her sister, so they won't catch. Luckily, I have my hubby Zack, my daddy who flew into today for the holidays, and my mom-in-law Jenn helping... Anyway that was off topic and hello you guys know I go off-topic in my blogs ALL THE TIME, onto the stuff you guys really want to read.

Again, another excerpt from Dan's Hey From Me Blog because it's a sort-of long read. If you missed this...

"Okay, that's about all. I'm actually sitting in editing right now (as I type this) working on the Victorious Christmas episode. And while I'm doing that – while the editor makes his fixes – I'm working on an outline for a 60 or 90 minute iCarly special that MIGHT (and I did say "might") bring back one of the most popular TV show casts ever! I hope it'll happen. I think it will :)

As for the FUN FACTS, I love doing them – I just don't always have time. But I can almost guarantee you some fun facts for new episodes before this year ends. Dealio?"

Thanks for reading and there's something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving haha!
