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iCarly Wiki
iCarly Wiki

So Churchpants made a worst dreams blog, so heres the best dreams one! So yeah here we go... What's are some of your favorite dreams? I'll say a few of mine:

1. I met my favorite celebrity and he and I hung out together all day long. He gave me a piggyback ride across town and then we exchanged phone numbers, and he gave me a big hug. I kissed him on the cheek and then I woke up. I nearly screamed because I thought it was real so when I woke up, naturally I was disappointed.

2. A novel I'm writing was published and became a movie. I was in the movie and it was awesome.

3. Seddie was the end-game ship of iCarly.

4. My school had a Nintendo Day in which we all dressed up like Nintendo characters. I was Tails.

Now that I've said some of mine, tell me yours! Comment! I'd love to hear them!
